10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 9780  |
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These animals might not look like much but each of them is extremely dangerous. If you're lucky, you'll never come across any of them in your lifetime.

1 10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

2 10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

3 10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

4 10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

5 10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

6 10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

7 10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

8 10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

9 10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

10 10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life (10 pics)

№1 Author: bowlervtec (29 Apr 2014 00:48) Total user comments: 1466

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heh....boner spider.
№2 Author: k0mmon (29 Apr 2014 03:05) Total user comments: 90

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I have a stonefish at home, anybody interested in buying??
№3 Author: Phynix4 (29 Apr 2014 14:57) Total user comments: 5461

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deadly little buggers!
№4 Author: Lu (29 Apr 2014 20:38) Total user comments: 15132

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And millions more roaming this earth. Don't press your luck with any of them.
№5 Author: mobius (29 Apr 2014 22:34) Total user comments: 1073

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№6 Author: twitchyfuzz (30 Apr 2014 00:38) Total user comments: 373

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I find it humorous: have so many people decrying the extinction of certain animals and insects. The end result? Now they kill humans.

Side note: can you imagine the suicide bomber effect if the fragmentation devices were filled with particles of sea wasp??

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