See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 13575  |
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The C-5 Galaxy is gigantic. You can fit all sorts of things in here such as tanks, helicopters and more.

1 See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

2 See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

3 See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

4 See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

5 See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

6 See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

7 See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

8 See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

9 See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

10 See How Many Things You Can Fit In A C-5 Galaxy? (10 pics)

№1 Author: Gyselinck (28 Apr 2014 01:51) Total user comments: 3133

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I like the last sentence !

"message me" No we can't we never have the source with AcidCow
№2 Author: adzhoe (28 Apr 2014 04:48) Total user comments: 15111

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№3 Author: Tomaz86 (28 Apr 2014 15:06) Total user comments: 10834

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Impressive :04:
№4 Author: Phynix4 (28 Apr 2014 15:22) Total user comments: 5461

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it is truly impressive to watch them load a C-5, it is crazy how much you can pack into them.
№5 Author: Lu (28 Apr 2014 18:53) Total user comments: 15132

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Only the 3rd largest? C'mon, Murica!
№6 Author: JOE SCHMOE (28 Apr 2014 21:02) Total user comments: 0

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Quote: Lu
to watch them load a C-5, it is c

yeah.. America used to be #1 at everything.. now just slowly falling behind

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