This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 8782  |
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When You Want Them To Think You Care, Then Reveal The Truth

1 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When You Have To See If ANYBODY Cares

2 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When No One Can Believe What An Ass You Are

3 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When You Want Someone To Know They Scare You

4 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)


5 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When They’re Excited About Doing Something An Infant Could Do

6 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When I’m Maybe Not As Happy For You As I’m Pretending To Be

7 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When You Are The Worst Person On Earth I Hate You

8 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When You Want Everyone To Know You Don’t Care

9 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When You Wish You Didn’t Have To Acknowledge Their Accomplishment

10 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When You’re Just So Damn Precious, Aren’t You?

11 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When You Need To Pretend Like Someone Isn’t A Terrible Singer

12 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When You’re Too Handsome To Care

13 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When I’m A Deranged Man

14 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

When The Thing Being Clapped For Is The Least Interesting Thing In The Room

15 This Is How You Do The Sarcastic Clap Like A Boss (15 gifs)

№1 Author: cynic_male (28 Apr 2014 02:34) Total user comments: 188

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When you can't be arsed clapping your self :21:
№2 Author: strem13 (28 Apr 2014 10:31) Total user comments: 3

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