People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 4462  |
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The giant panda has been on the endangered species list for quite some time now. See how these people are trying to save the pandas by dressing up to look like them.

1 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

2 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

3 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

4 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

5 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

6 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

7 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

8 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

9 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

10 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

11 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

12 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

13 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)

14 People Dressed As Pandas Living With Pandas (13 pics)


№1 Author: adzhoe (28 Apr 2014 06:13) Total user comments: 15111

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Good luck.
№2 Author: Tomaz86 (28 Apr 2014 16:50) Total user comments: 10834

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ok :48:
№3 Author: Lu (28 Apr 2014 22:44) Total user comments: 15132

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Great job. At least somebody cares.

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