A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

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  • 27 Apr, 2014  |
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It's hard to believe that slavery was a common thing at one time but it was. Take a look back at how things used to be.

1 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

A black Union soldier sits, posted in front of a slave auction house on Whitehall Street in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1864

2 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

Copy of original bill of sale for slaves, in Charleston, South Carolina

3 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

4 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

A group of men posing in front of Lynch’s Slave Market, St. Louis, Missouri, 1852

5 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

6 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

Scars of a whipped slave April 2, 1863, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

7 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

8 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

How to fit 454 slaves on a ship

9 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

10 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

Price of a slave in 1800′s

11 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

Escaped slaves, ca. 1862

12 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

13 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

This man, Renty, was an African-born slave owned by B.F. Taylor from Columbia, South Carolina when this portrait was taken in 1850

14 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

Rescued east African slaves aboard HMS Daphne, a British Royal Navy vessel involved in anti-slave trade activities in the Indian Ocean

15 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

16 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

Harriet Tubman with rescued slaves- Auburn, NY, circa 1887

17 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

Ex-slaves attend reunion convention. Washington D.C. – October, 1916

18 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

88-year-old Mrs. Sally Fickland, a former slave, looking at the Emancipation Proclamation in 1947, which was signed when she was 3

19 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

20 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)

To My Old Master: A former slave’s letter in response to his old master’s request to work for him again

21 A Bold Look At The History Of Slavery (21 pics)


№1 Author: PVS (28 Apr 2014 02:23) Total user comments: 11

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How did Jourdon Anderson type his letter in 1865?
№2 Author: 1234 (28 Apr 2014 02:41) Total user comments: 1878

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:07: funny letter....to show sense humor after 32 years
№3 Author: No1 (28 Apr 2014 03:35) Total user comments: 1621

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And we still have people in the US who think that slaves were better off. And they believe things really weren't that bad.
№4 Author: styopa (28 Apr 2014 04:22) Total user comments: 1538

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It's astonishing that the "History of Slavery" seems to have begun in the US? Because I'm pretty sure that slavery was integral to China, Rome, and pretty much every Empire before the British, the Americans were in fact quite late to the game, and used slaves for a shorter span of time than pretty much any other large, industrialized country in history.
In fact, the first use of slaves in the modern era in the Western world was....the WHITE slaves captured and used by the Turks and North African pirates.
Where's my reparations?

№5 Author: adzhoe (28 Apr 2014 06:04) Total user comments: 15111

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Awful events, but good to know about...
№6 Author: guy (28 Apr 2014 13:29) Total user comments: 0

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It's a good thing white people forced the entire world to abolish slavery.

Of course unofficially black people still enslave other humans in places like Haiti, Sudan Mauritania and Niger.
№7 Author: Lu (28 Apr 2014 22:30) Total user comments: 15132

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Interesting times.

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