This Is Why You Don't Try To Smuggle Money (3 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 9036  |
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Have you ever tried to smuggle money? It never ends well and this guy just proved it.

1 This Is Why You Don't Try To Smuggle Money (3 pics)

2 This Is Why You Don't Try To Smuggle Money (3 pics)

3 This Is Why You Don't Try To Smuggle Money (3 pics)

№1 Author: 1234 (28 Apr 2014 01:57) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: couldn't they just put it up on paypal or something....if you gonna break the law do it in country with 5star prisons not in far east :07:
№2 Author: Tomaz86 (28 Apr 2014 16:12) Total user comments: 10834

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valued shins :07:
№3 Author: Lu (28 Apr 2014 21:46) Total user comments: 15132

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The system gets tougher by the day.
№4 Author: LadyYoloSwagg (13 May 2014 17:46) Total user comments: 3

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He must cry because the tape pulled his leg hair :06:

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