You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

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  • 25 Apr, 2014  |
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Time flies doesn't it? Here are 25 items you won't believe turned 25 this year.

1 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

2 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

3 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

4 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

5 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

6 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

7 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

8 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

9 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

10 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

11 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

12 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

13 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

14 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

15 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

16 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

17 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

18 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

19 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

20 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

21 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

22 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

23 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

24 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)

25 You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year (25 pics)


№1 Author: Nicole (25 Apr 2014 02:41) Total user comments: 0

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The author of this post is kinda dumb. The iron curtain and Berlin wall are the same. Number 9 is not by one bit true. and at number 11, the cold war ended in 1991. Really. This information is one Google search away, if you don't care about history, general culture and did not already know this.
№2 Author: 1234 (25 Apr 2014 03:43) Total user comments: 1878

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:12: here's to the web
№3 Author: mos ene (25 Apr 2014 03:52) Total user comments: 207

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poland, romania, bulgaria???
№4 Author: Basescu (25 Apr 2014 10:03) Total user comments: 0

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Romania, Poland and Bulgaria? They exist as states more than 100 years bro, yes indeed, they are free of comunism for 25 years, that's truth.
№5 Author: Vlad Tepes (25 Apr 2014 10:21) Total user comments: 0

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# 9 Cambodia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Afghanistan?

What, did these countries appear on world map just 25 years ago?
Hell, I was so wrong thinking that my country has history longer than 1000 years... Thanks for clarifying that thing.
But hey, wait, so where I was born and where I spent the first 17 years of my life (I'm 42)?

№6 Author: Cactus Johnny (25 Apr 2014 10:42) Total user comments: 0

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Hungary is more than 1100 years old. Just sayin'. Bulgaria, Romania and Poland are much older than 25 years as well.
№7 Author: Keta (25 Apr 2014 11:19) Total user comments: 386

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#9 Wut ? Romania did not turn 25 years ! You might argue that almost 25 years have passes since the country became democratic again, but Romania has existed as a state since the 1800s.
№8 Author: loveandhate (25 Apr 2014 14:54) Total user comments: 1571

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unofficial end of WWII ?25 years? seriously!!
№9 Author: Antoniya (25 Apr 2014 15:12) Total user comments: 0

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Please verify your information before publishing it. Bulgaria was established in 635-681 A.D.!!!
№10 Author: Evain (25 Apr 2014 15:39) Total user comments: 0

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#9 someone notify the Hungarians, they still think they raided Europe in the 10th century. Or it was written by the same person who thinks Attila the Hun was just a fictional character in the Night at the Museum. :D
№11 Author: Late (25 Apr 2014 16:28) Total user comments: 294

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You Won't Believe These Things Turned 25 This Year.
No. No I won't...

#1 - SMS messaging was used for the first time on 3 December 1992, so only recently turned 21.
#2 - Family Matters recently passed it's 24th anniversary, so not far off the mark with that one.
#3 - The first GPS satellite was launched in 1978, so GPS is 36 years old.
#4 - Seinfeld will be 25 in a few months' time, so nearly right.
#5 - Sega Genesis/Megadrive was launched in Japan in October 1988, so has indeed recently passed it's 25th anniversary.
#6 - The first Batman film, starring Adam West, was in December 1966, so is a little over 47 years old. (The Michael Keaton one will be 25 later this year, though.)
#7 - Saved By The Bell will be 25 later this year.
#8 - Voyager pics of Neptune were 25 years ago.
#9 - Cambodia was recognised by the UN in early 1991 (so is 23 years old); Bulgaria gained independence (for it's third time) in November 1989 (so is 24 years old); Hungary became an independent state in October 1989 (so will be 25 years old this year); Poland became an independent country (not for the first time) in 1989 (so is 25 years old); Romania left the Soviet Union in December 1989 (so will be 25 years old this year); Afghanistan's "birth" is tricky to pinpoint, due to lots of different regimes and wars - not sure what criteria you'd use to say it started 25 years ago.
#10 - Baywatch will be 25 later this year.

... That feeling where you've spent an hour or two addressing 25 points, but are told your post is too long, so you split it into three parts... but somehow inexplicably lose the second of the three parts... :(

#21 - Tiananmen Square massacre was 25 years ago. You're on a roll!
#22 - Magnum's 25.
#23 - I'll agree Sky's 25 (though you could easily argue that one, as the company was formed in 1980).
#24 - Utter nonsense. The incident you're likely referring to (Kiyoaki Tanaka and Shigeyuki Hashimoto) had nothing to do with WW2, and both soldiers knew the war had ended decades earlier.
#25 - The worldwide web is widely recognised as starting in December 1990 (so recently turned 23), but it's start depends on your criteria.

TL-DR - All in all, most of those things are around 23-27 years old, so are about right, but quite a few are a LONG way off the mark...
№12 Author: Damian (25 Apr 2014 21:33) Total user comments: 0

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Quote: Late
Bulgaria gained independence (for it's third time) in November 1989

Hi Late,
It seems there is some confusion when they say "25" or so "years old". I don't think getting out of the Soviet block can be an indicator for the "birth" of a country.
Check in Wikipedia - for example the First Bulgarian Empire was established in 681 CE.

№13 Author: Lu (26 Apr 2014 20:39) Total user comments: 15132

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Late, what are we going to do without you? Tks buddy.

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