Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 21 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 6032  |
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We know these things. And science has proven that they are true.

1 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

2 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

3 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

4 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

5 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

6 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

7 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

8 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

9 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

10 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

11 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

12 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

13 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

14 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

15 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

16 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

17 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

18 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

19 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

20 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

21 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

22 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

23 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

24 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)

25 Things Proven by Science (25 pics)


№1 Author: MathIsHard (21 Apr 2014 02:18) Total user comments: 1404

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I stopped reading after number 6

Caloric intake has steadily increased in the last 50 years generations. But the weight rate has outpaced that exponentially. It is what we are eating, not how much of it...
№2 Author: MexAndi (21 Apr 2014 04:58) Total user comments: 177

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Thsi was horrible. The title should have been "Duh". :13:
№3 Author: JALKMFE (21 Apr 2014 07:14) Total user comments: 0

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What's this post?
№4 Author: radical_ed (21 Apr 2014 07:16) Total user comments: 636

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What's on the mind of the people funding the research? That would be an interesting study.

What a waste of money.
№5 Author: Phynix4 (21 Apr 2014 20:13) Total user comments: 5461

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thats two minutes i will never get back.... :17:
№6 Author: Lu (21 Apr 2014 21:24) Total user comments: 15132

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Scientific research in the universities of Chebango, Enthopinia and Rusmilogia proves that opening your mouth when throwing popcorn in the air, you have a 70% chance of hitting the target than keeping it closed.
№7 Author: Slugsie (21 Apr 2014 22:58) Total user comments: 1588

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The problem here is that we're just getting a headline written by a journalist who probably hasn't got a clue about what the scientific paper was actually about. I bet if we had links to the actual papers a lot of them would show some truly interesting and valid results that completely justify the research.

Remember people, scientific journalism in the popular press is truly dreadful. Always try and at least read the abstract from the actual paper if you want to really know what it was about.
№8 Author: rennermartins (25 Apr 2014 20:40) Total user comments: 222

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