Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 4206  |
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Otchan has over 1,200 pigs.

1 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

2 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

3 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

4 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

5 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

6 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

7 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

8 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

9 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

10 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

11 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

12 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)

13 Farmer Who Loves His Pigs (13 pics)


№1 Author: Keta (17 Apr 2014 13:03) Total user comments: 386

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Uuh, they're so cute !

Oh wait, I'm hungry. Bacon time !

№2 Author: Gi-Joe (17 Apr 2014 15:40) Total user comments: 960

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They really are cute especially when they are babies.
№3 Author: Tomaz86 (17 Apr 2014 17:01) Total user comments: 10834

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I love them, just that in my sandwich :04:
№4 Author: Lu (17 Apr 2014 22:43) Total user comments: 15132

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The cigarettes only battles the pong.
№5 Author: adzhoe (19 Apr 2014 03:06) Total user comments: 15111

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So, he raises them for love and hobby? Not for market?

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