How to Fry Eggs with Your PC (8 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 14 Apr, 2014  |
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Frying eggs with your PC looks easy.

1 How to Fry Eggs with Your PC (8 pics)

2 How to Fry Eggs with Your PC (8 pics)

3 How to Fry Eggs with Your PC (8 pics)

4 How to Fry Eggs with Your PC (8 pics)

5 How to Fry Eggs with Your PC (8 pics)

6 How to Fry Eggs with Your PC (8 pics)

7 How to Fry Eggs with Your PC (8 pics)

8 How to Fry Eggs with Your PC (8 pics)

№1 Author: Guardian (14 Apr 2014 03:16) Total user comments: 0

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is that the processor ? hell naw D:
№2 Author: adzhoe (14 Apr 2014 04:00) Total user comments: 15111

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Looks more foolish than easy A/C.
№3 Author: taro (14 Apr 2014 10:26) Total user comments: 34

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Probably the cpu was broken already and he decided to get some pictures for FB. In any case he needs a new processor because it's also got "cooked" with the egg.
№4 Author: Tomaz86 (14 Apr 2014 17:09) Total user comments: 10834

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What a stupid idea :46:
№5 Author: twitchyfuzz (14 Apr 2014 19:04) Total user comments: 373

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Make a video of it and then I'll believe. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of preset pictures.
№6 Author: Lu (14 Apr 2014 20:10) Total user comments: 15132

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Will the idea sell?
№7 Author: Phynix4 (14 Apr 2014 20:24) Total user comments: 5461

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but WHY?!? imean seriously.... :17:

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