Confessions of a Meth Dealer (7 pics)

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  • 11 Apr, 2014  |
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1 Confessions of a Meth Dealer (7 pics)

2 Confessions of a Meth Dealer (7 pics)

3 Confessions of a Meth Dealer (7 pics)

4 Confessions of a Meth Dealer (7 pics)

5 Confessions of a Meth Dealer (7 pics)

6 Confessions of a Meth Dealer (7 pics)

7 Confessions of a Meth Dealer (7 pics)


№1 Author: Jimmy Johnson (11 Apr 2014 03:40) Total user comments: 5518

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You may think you're cool, but you'll never be as cool as Johny Depp protraying a drug dealer buying $100 million of cocaine.
№2 Author: 1234 (11 Apr 2014 10:26) Total user comments: 1878

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my girl at the time was a waitress so i used her and a couple of her hotter waitress friends :02: NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXX

№3 Author: przegosc (11 Apr 2014 19:19) Total user comments: 0

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It's never fun to be THAT guy, but I have to say it: fake as hell ;P This guy has never been in the same room as even the tiniest amount of meth.
№4 Author: Rootless (11 Apr 2014 21:13) Total user comments: 288

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If all above is true, it's an educative life story worth telling and to be listened to (or read)!
№5 Author: Lu (11 Apr 2014 21:17) Total user comments: 15132

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Hope he stays out of it.
№6 Author: Hory (12 Apr 2014 06:23) Total user comments: 350

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Quote: Rootless

If it is a true story, I get from it that you need to push it up to a point where you either go further and probably die or realise what you're doing and call it quits. Like going to an extreme which gives you a much better picture of yourself, zoom out.
№7 Author: saint357 (12 Apr 2014 14:14) Total user comments: 2366

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yep yep :09:
№8 Author: Bonded_by_Blood (12 Apr 2014 17:36) Total user comments: 48

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Nice story, for a movie or a cool show. Halfway through I imagined McConaughey's voice reading this.

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