Bad Guys Flipping Over Smart Cars In San Francisco (8 pics)

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  • 9 Apr, 2014  |
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Someone is flipping Smarts in San Francisco. Kind of funny.

1 Bad Guys Flipping Over Smart Cars In San Francisco (8 pics)

2 Bad Guys Flipping Over Smart Cars In San Francisco (8 pics)

3 Bad Guys Flipping Over Smart Cars In San Francisco (8 pics)

4 Bad Guys Flipping Over Smart Cars In San Francisco (8 pics)

5 Bad Guys Flipping Over Smart Cars In San Francisco (8 pics)

6 Bad Guys Flipping Over Smart Cars In San Francisco (8 pics)

7 Bad Guys Flipping Over Smart Cars In San Francisco (8 pics)

8 Bad Guys Flipping Over Smart Cars In San Francisco (8 pics)

№1 Author: CAGUMBALA (9 Apr 2014 02:14) Total user comments: 137

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:10: bunch of retards... But... kind of fucking funny!
№2 Author: sergiofx (9 Apr 2014 02:26) Total user comments: 719

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Kind of funny? :02:

Maybe if you people dont make these things famous, attention whores wouldn't do these things to get noticed..

I feel so bad for the owners...

Please remove this crap from AC... you are better than this.
№3 Author: Tomaz86 (9 Apr 2014 03:53) Total user comments: 10834

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Where do these idiots bought a driver's license? :09:
№4 Author: Slugsie (9 Apr 2014 07:54) Total user comments: 1588

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So criminal damage to someone else's property is 'Kind of funny'???

No, it is not.
№5 Author: capt.huffnpuff (9 Apr 2014 11:24) Total user comments: 2822

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The people in San Francisco call them assholes!
№6 Author: ACfan (9 Apr 2014 12:22) Total user comments: 0

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Acid Cow, I don't really think you should gives these criminals attention. That is what they want. How would you feel if you had to get the whole of one side of your car repaired? Only a stupid young child who doesn't own their own car would find this funny.
(I know you don't really care what we say in comments, but have a think next time.)
№7 Author: adrian (9 Apr 2014 16:16) Total user comments: 6

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Kind of funny? Really? Promoting violence is dumb, dear Acidcow.
№8 Author: Phynix4 (9 Apr 2014 17:16) Total user comments: 5461

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naw, not even 'kind of funny'. It is someone elses property. I am sure there would have been outrage if the owners started to pop caps into the idiots that were damaging their property.
№9 Author: Lu (9 Apr 2014 19:16) Total user comments: 15132

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The cops over there lazing around all day?
№10 Author: adzhoe (12 Apr 2014 05:30) Total user comments: 15111

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Absolutely nothing funny about this.

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