Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 11258  |
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Kanamara Matsuri is an annual Japanese penis festival.

1 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

2 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

3 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

4 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

5 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

6 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

7 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

8 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

9 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

10 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

11 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

12 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

13 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

14 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

15 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

16 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

17 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

18 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

19 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

20 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

21 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

22 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

23 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

24 Kanamara Matsuri (24 pics)

№1 Author: Dallizzt (8 Apr 2014 03:59) Total user comments: 1467

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I showed my wife this... I laughed, she hit me.
№2 Author: Tomaz86 (8 Apr 2014 04:09) Total user comments: 10834

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Japan is too crazy! :41:
№3 Author: Hugo (8 Apr 2014 04:55) Total user comments: 0

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"Size Compensation" Festival
№4 Author: Keta (8 Apr 2014 10:04) Total user comments: 386

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In this case, I think it's OK for Japan. From what I heard they still have a problem with natality.
№5 Author: saint357 (8 Apr 2014 16:14) Total user comments: 2366

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I'll go to Japan when they have a day to celebrate the vagina.Now that would be fun to see. :56:
№6 Author: Phynix4 (8 Apr 2014 17:58) Total user comments: 5461

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they do some odd stuff there, usually a lot of fun though...
№7 Author: smartass (8 Apr 2014 18:33) Total user comments: 0

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#14, #16, #17.... "dick-head" ....right ???
№8 Author: Lu (8 Apr 2014 22:02) Total user comments: 15132

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Happy Jappies goes dick-head crazy.
№9 Author: adzhoe (8 Apr 2014 22:37) Total user comments: 15111

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They love the penis...

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