Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

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  • 8 Apr, 2014  |
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1 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

2 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

3 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

4 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

5 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

6 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

7 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

8 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

9 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

10 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

11 Facts About Freddie Mercury (11 pics)

№1 Author: Nicole (8 Apr 2014 00:53) Total user comments: 0

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Such an amazing guy. I hope you sing to god now
№2 Author: noluk (8 Apr 2014 02:39) Total user comments: 327

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Damn shame. Only the good die young !
№3 Author: MathIsHard (8 Apr 2014 03:56) Total user comments: 1404

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I heard he was gay.

And that Bob Marley sometimes smoked marijuana :09:
№4 Author: adzhoe (8 Apr 2014 06:11) Total user comments: 15111

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Amazing talent....
№5 Author: Scoobs (8 Apr 2014 12:56) Total user comments: 1653

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What an entertainer.. and that voice.. wow
№6 Author: Jaal (8 Apr 2014 14:43) Total user comments: 0

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Admitting to AIDS at that time would have killed (no pun intended) his popularity so the record label prohibited it out of fear.

Shockingly, to the record label sales where more important than AIDS awarness - who could have guessed such a thing from a corporation?
№7 Author: whiteho2 (8 Apr 2014 16:15) Total user comments: 123

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The greatest stage presence, the os incredible voice. No one controlled a crowd more than Freddie.
№8 Author: Phynix4 (8 Apr 2014 18:20) Total user comments: 5461

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Rock Legend, well deserved, taken too soon!

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