Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

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  • 7 Apr, 2014  |
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1 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

2 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

3 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

4 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

5 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

6 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

7 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

8 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

9 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

10 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

11 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

12 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

13 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

14 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

15 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

16 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

17 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

18 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

19 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

20 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

21 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

22 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

23 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

24 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)

25 Very Odd Job Interview Questions (25 pics)


№1 Author: NIA666 (7 Apr 2014 11:38) Total user comments: 0

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HR dumb way to prove its "importance".
Allow me to explain.
Half of these questions are along the line "how many dogs lives in X?" Usually the best answer is" I would do short phone survey and use some statistic alghoritms to get good aproximation of an answer".
Other half of questions (ie: how you move mount Fuji): checks creative thinking. Doesn't matter what you say as long as you say lot (ie: nuke it from orbit, its the only way to be sure).
Bottom line: all of those questions are hardly oryginal and not very insightful.
№2 Author: Phynix4 (7 Apr 2014 16:52) Total user comments: 5461

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A few of these I can undertand being asked, a few have some good insite answers to them, and a few are "bat-shit crazy" :16:
№3 Author: sdf (7 Apr 2014 18:09) Total user comments: 0

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18 does make sense if you consider which company is asking it.
№4 Author: Jaal (7 Apr 2014 18:30) Total user comments: 0

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If you take a pen home from work, that's stealing? What about when pens from my house end up at work?

N 22 would get the show of his life followed by my prompt arrest.
№5 Author: Lu (7 Apr 2014 21:28) Total user comments: 15132

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How long will it take to find the needle in the haystack?
№6 Author: mikerowave (7 Apr 2014 22:57) Total user comments: 715

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I hate job interwievs and that kind of questions. Stupid questions can get only stupid answers.

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