Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 8531  |
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Drivers use this trick to be able to use the carpool lane. The drivers of these cars were caught by police.

1 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

2 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

3 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

4 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

5 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

6 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

7 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

8 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

9 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

10 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

11 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

12 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

13 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

14 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)

15 Fake Passengers for the Carpool Lane (15 pics)


№1 Author: Phynix4 (7 Apr 2014 16:11) Total user comments: 5461

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stupid is as stupid does...jeeesh
№2 Author: Lu (7 Apr 2014 20:52) Total user comments: 15132

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Now if I only knew what a Carpool Lane is, duh?
№3 Author: Tomaz86 (8 Apr 2014 17:17) Total user comments: 10834

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It is every one that happens in this life :09:

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