Rare Bills From the Past (5 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 11298  |
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Very high bills from the past.

1 Rare Bills From the Past (5 pics)

2 Rare Bills From the Past (5 pics)

3 Rare Bills From the Past (5 pics)

4 Rare Bills From the Past (5 pics)

5 Rare Bills From the Past (5 pics)

№1 Author: 1234 (4 Apr 2014 01:39) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: all these notes would make for good viewing on pawn stars :04:
№2 Author: cynic_male (4 Apr 2014 01:59) Total user comments: 188

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Not to forget also good viewing when used for for payment on 'porn stars'
№3 Author: tanks (4 Apr 2014 03:13) Total user comments: 0

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Obama's face should be on the $1,000,000,000,000 bill. Franklins will be toilet paper soon anyways.
№4 Author: saint357 (4 Apr 2014 14:58) Total user comments: 2366

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what ever! :15:
№5 Author: Phynix4 (4 Apr 2014 15:55) Total user comments: 5461

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even if you had a pocket full of these babies, where are you going to use them at? "hey, do you have change for $10,000?" :17:
№6 Author: Lu (4 Apr 2014 19:52) Total user comments: 15132

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Any cab driver will knuckle your head if you present one of those.
№7 Author: adzhoe (4 Apr 2014 21:36) Total user comments: 15111

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they used thousand dollar bills way back, Monty hall's "Let's make a deal" tv gameshow.

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