Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Apr, 2014  |
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1 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

2 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

3 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

4 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

5 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

6 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

7 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

8 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

9 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

10 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

11 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

12 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

13 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

14 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

15 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

16 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

17 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

18 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

19 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)

20 Rare Psychiatric Syndromes (20 pics)


№1 Author: candysack (3 Apr 2014 01:09) Total user comments: 1436

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reading these my mind was blown. Although I almost fainted once listening to Bieber on the radio. I thought nothnig of it but could it really be a form of Mary Hart Syndome
№2 Author: capt.huffnpuff (3 Apr 2014 07:29) Total user comments: 2822

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#6 One of the variations of Stendahl's syndrome is when women see male genitalia on large sculptures of nude men. They often "swoon", i.e., faint.
№3 Author: Phynix4 (3 Apr 2014 18:34) Total user comments: 5461

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some freaky stuff here...
№4 Author: Lu (3 Apr 2014 21:47) Total user comments: 15132

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Scumbag brain goes off line now and then.
№5 Author: mantley rawson (7 Apr 2014 16:28) Total user comments: 361

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There is one missing : the BW sybdrome.
The BW syndrome (BW for Brain Washing) has to do with people believing there's a god above telling them what is right and what is not, what to eat and what not to eat, what is pure and what is not, etc. Some of them are even ready to kill any normal people who doesn't share their illusion.
But, unfortunately, if it really is a psychiatric syndrome, it is not a rare one !

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