People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Apr, 2014  |
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These people turned down great offers.

1 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

2 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

3 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

4 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

5 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

6 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

7 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

8 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

9 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

10 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

11 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

12 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

13 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

14 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

15 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)

16 People Who Missed Out on a Fortune (16 pics)


№1 Author: kryptor (2 Apr 2014 02:57) Total user comments: 4840

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I once turned down a blow job from a bar skank known as 'Bobbin Robbin' , her Bj's were legendary, all though I don't think it really compares to these epic blunders.

true story
№2 Author: Maxid (2 Apr 2014 13:19) Total user comments: 694

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#1 and #2 - Miss out on a combined $200 billion, or put up with Steve Jobs for almost 3 decades? I think they made the right decision!

#3 - Woz's design was decent, but it was Job's cult-leader charisma that "made" Apple. HP would not have been able to create and sell all the smoke and mirrors Jobs created. Now that he's gone, Apple will probably slowly fade away. That's a hallmark of a bad leader.

Well, most of these were just money that shows on paper and not spendable cash moneys.
№3 Author: Phynix4 (2 Apr 2014 15:52) Total user comments: 5461

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it is why it is called an "investment" which is nothing short of educated gambling. You win some, you loose some, but you have to go with the experience and knowledge to hopefully lessen your losses and maximize your gains. Good Luck! That is the main reason why animals choosing stock can many times do better than analysts. One more tip: go for the long return, dont try to hit a home run to riches everytime you step up.
№4 Author: styopa (2 Apr 2014 17:24) Total user comments: 1538

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Yes I too have passed on offers that turned out to be huge. But the fact is that in the context of real life, they get lost in the noise of 200 other offers that all prove worthless. It's nearly random chance whether you make the 'right call' on the specific ONE that's going to pay off. You have better odds playing roulette.

This sort of stuff is Monday-morning quarterbacking, unless you ALSO discuss the number of "sure-fire success" offers that they were ALSO proposed ... that turned out to be worthless.

Hindsight is 20/20, and people tend to make $ decisions based on loss-minimizing, not gain-maximizing choices.

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