How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 14408  |
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Great job.

1 How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

2 How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

3 How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

4 How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

5 How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

6 How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

7 How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

8 How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

9 How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

10 How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics)

№1 Author: 1234 (1 Apr 2014 02:21) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: :04: awesome idea love it......could do this with other films/shows/football team figures!...with 2/3 different paints make it little more intricate
№2 Author: Keta (1 Apr 2014 10:52) Total user comments: 386

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There are only 6 samurais in that picture.
№3 Author: thughugger (1 Apr 2014 15:16) Total user comments: 1015

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Great job. Well done.
№4 Author: Phynix4 (1 Apr 2014 16:19) Total user comments: 5461

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great idea, great movie!
№5 Author: alexacrow (1 Apr 2014 18:13) Total user comments: 1164

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If only I had a projector :02:
№6 Author: Lu (1 Apr 2014 22:46) Total user comments: 15132

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So this can make you an artist in your own right.
№7 Author: twitchyfuzz (1 Apr 2014 23:15) Total user comments: 373

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alexacrow, depending on your country, you could possibly buy one from
№8 Author: Suprem (2 Apr 2014 17:45) Total user comments: 64

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One samurai is missing.
№9 Author: alexacrow (3 Apr 2014 18:28) Total user comments: 1164

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twitchyfuzz, you have released a monster. I can't control myself when buying online :54:

thank you :37:
№10 Author: Chechu (6 Apr 2014 03:14) Total user comments: 27

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the missed samurai is taken the picture...
№11 Author: DonGutti (14 Apr 2014 06:36) Total user comments: 33

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This is worth giving a try! Thank you!

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