The Copenhagen Zoo Continues to Slaughter Animals (6 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Mar, 2014  |
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Last time they killed Marius the Giraffe and now they killed four lions.

1 The Copenhagen Zoo Continues to Slaughter Animals (6 pics)

2 The Copenhagen Zoo Continues to Slaughter Animals (6 pics)

3 The Copenhagen Zoo Continues to Slaughter Animals (6 pics)

4 The Copenhagen Zoo Continues to Slaughter Animals (6 pics)

5 The Copenhagen Zoo Continues to Slaughter Animals (6 pics)

6 The Copenhagen Zoo Continues to Slaughter Animals (6 pics)


№1 Author: candysack (27 Mar 2014 03:33) Total user comments: 1436

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these guys have gone fucking mental... :13:
№2 Author: CoyDog (27 Mar 2014 03:50) Total user comments: 135

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If you can't take care of the animals you have, don't get new animals!!! Irresponsible bastards.
№3 Author: 1234 (27 Mar 2014 12:40) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: who was the lion that was coming over that they had to kill the other 4......aslan!

if you gonna kill whole family the new lion better be able to talk...why is he so special
№4 Author: modry_banan (27 Mar 2014 14:22) Total user comments: 8

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I'm afraid you know shit about the situation in that ZOO. They definitely have the reasons for that. It's not for fun fools :13:
№5 Author: Tomaz86 (27 Mar 2014 15:50) Total user comments: 10834

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And teach us that animals are irrational
№6 Author: Lu (27 Mar 2014 18:08) Total user comments: 15132

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The zoo keeper is chinese, right?
№7 Author: Jeff (27 Mar 2014 22:21) Total user comments: 14

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Cycle of life.
№8 Author: Aindy (28 Mar 2014 01:35) Total user comments: 2863

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How come these werent dissected infront of a live audience like the giraffe was? Wasnt there a bunch of people defending the zoo when they killed the giraffe (even on AC)?

Heres reason #1 for them killing animals: money.
It costs a lot to raise 4 cubs in a seperate enclosure, and a grown male lion is probably worth more than 4 cubs.
№9 Author: unclebimbo (29 Mar 2014 04:52) Total user comments: 105

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№10 Author: alexacrow (1 Apr 2014 18:17) Total user comments: 1164

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poor animals. That's why you shouldn't take animals from their natural environment. Sick bastards!

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