Some People Are Pure Evil (4 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Mar, 2014  |
  • Views: 9615  |
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Why would anyone do something like this?

1 Some People Are Pure Evil (4 pics)

2 Some People Are Pure Evil (4 pics)

3 Some People Are Pure Evil (4 pics)

4 Some People Are Pure Evil (4 pics)

№1 Author: Hypertension (26 Mar 2014 04:16) Total user comments: 1195

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Someone who did this must be has no family, no kid, no heart, and already sold his/her soul to the devil.
№2 Author: Tomaz86 (26 Mar 2014 04:23) Total user comments: 10834

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What a guy without a soul do that to defenseless children? After arresting him because he do not taste the poison itself?
№3 Author: candysack (26 Mar 2014 05:04) Total user comments: 1436

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creepy... :17:
№4 Author: thughugger (26 Mar 2014 11:46) Total user comments: 1015

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Sick...........As a Dad this makes me really angry
№5 Author: Bob (26 Mar 2014 14:23) Total user comments: 0

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Oh! That's where I left them.
№6 Author: Jaal (26 Mar 2014 14:35) Total user comments: 0

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I just hope some father catches those motherf*+?_ers in the act.
№7 Author: Lu (26 Mar 2014 20:37) Total user comments: 15132

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Totally depraved.
№8 Author: mobius (27 Mar 2014 01:03) Total user comments: 1073

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№9 Author: Lawrence Squire (27 Mar 2014 17:01) Total user comments: 1

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I don't think AcidCow should post stupid shit like this; it just might give some whacko(s) ideas. Please take it down.

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