How to Cook Popcorn Without a Microwave (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Mar, 2014  |
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Simple way to cook popcorn without a microwave. You will need an empty can.

1 How to Cook Popcorn Without a Microwave (9 pics)

2 How to Cook Popcorn Without a Microwave (9 pics)

3 How to Cook Popcorn Without a Microwave (9 pics)

4 How to Cook Popcorn Without a Microwave (9 pics)

5 How to Cook Popcorn Without a Microwave (9 pics)

6 How to Cook Popcorn Without a Microwave (9 pics)

7 How to Cook Popcorn Without a Microwave (9 pics)

8 How to Cook Popcorn Without a Microwave (9 pics)

9 How to Cook Popcorn Without a Microwave (9 pics)

№1 Author: gabilsha (26 Mar 2014 01:29) Total user comments: 0

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popcorn with taste of beer
№2 Author: Slugsie (26 Mar 2014 03:18) Total user comments: 1588

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Wow, that looks really safe. No chance that a bit of popcorn would fall out, land in the flames and catch fire at all.
№3 Author: Jimmy Johnson (26 Mar 2014 03:33) Total user comments: 5518

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Because microwave ovens haven't been invented yet.
№4 Author: Tomaz86 (26 Mar 2014 03:38) Total user comments: 10834

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Obviously the dirt is clean to his wife? :04:
№5 Author: styopa (26 Mar 2014 06:58) Total user comments: 1538

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It won't work.
Despite the oil, unless you agitate the kernels somehow, the bottom ones will burn and the top ones won't pop. You'll get an oily, blackened pile of unpopped hulls, a few kernels of popcorn (maybe) and the rest all mushed with oily mash of burnt popcorn goo.

Basically he just failed to reinvent the basic, old fashioned popcorn popper.
(There are tons that have a geared shaft to let you turn the crank away from the heat - don't be a pussy.)
№6 Author: bre (26 Mar 2014 07:02) Total user comments: 0

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Those are the same bowls I have!
№7 Author: Phynix4 (26 Mar 2014 15:19) Total user comments: 5461

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I love popcorn! -think I will stick to using a pot and lid though...
№8 Author: Shadoglare (26 Mar 2014 16:16) Total user comments: 505

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Or, you could do something crazy like just use a covered pot with a bit of oil. Still not perfect but probably more likely to work than this junk.
№9 Author: Lu (26 Mar 2014 18:54) Total user comments: 15132

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Don't stop there, bro. At least your'e a thinker and may invent something to hit the jackpot with.
№10 Author: alexacrow (27 Mar 2014 01:32) Total user comments: 1164

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My grandma used to make popcorn in a pan with a pan lid... now we all want things easy.

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