Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)

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  • 20 Mar, 2014  |
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Gilberto Pauciullo holds 22 10th degree black belts.

1 Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)

2 Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)

3 Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)

4 Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)

5 Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)

6 Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)

7 Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)

8 Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)

9 Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)

10 Forget About Chuck Norris. Meet Gilberto Pauciullo (10 pics)


№1 Author: jje (20 Mar 2014 01:40) Total user comments: 0

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What a joke
№2 Author: JALKMFE (20 Mar 2014 02:16) Total user comments: 0

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him: buongiorno, I'm Gilberto!
me: please, don't make me suffer, just kill me.
him: WTF...
№3 Author: 1234 (20 Mar 2014 02:33) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: i thought i could kick his ass...checked him out on youtube was i wrong :07:
№4 Author: rodrigozanatta (20 Mar 2014 02:44) Total user comments: 695

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is just me, but he look like... fat??
№5 Author: Tomaz86 (20 Mar 2014 03:27) Total user comments: 10834

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It is but he is chubby
№6 Author: adzhoe (20 Mar 2014 04:46) Total user comments: 15111

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How about a little bit of documentation?
№7 Author: ThunderAce (20 Mar 2014 05:29) Total user comments: 3

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Bullshit story, sorry.
A little bit of searching shows the true story.
To become 10th Dan will usually require about 60 years of dedicated training.
22 10th Dans? Impossible.
№8 Author: Przegosc (20 Mar 2014 11:31) Total user comments: 0

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The true credibility is when a fighter steps into the ring/octagon. In the history of K1 and various MMA organizations, countless multiple black belts came in only to get their asses completely obliterated. In other words, there is much space between the black belt and the top dog. And it looks like this guy chose the next black belt right after completing the last one. In other words, all the titles are not as impressive as a guy with no belt in anything, but who can prove his skills against the top competition. After all, those are all -fighting- sports.
№9 Author: saint357 (20 Mar 2014 13:47) Total user comments: 2366

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BS BS BS :02: :10:
№10 Author: Gumol (20 Mar 2014 16:08) Total user comments: 38

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yeah and most of this was correspondence course :)
№11 Author: joe schmoe (20 Mar 2014 20:28) Total user comments: 0

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oh, ok... lets see him in the ring one time, UFC would probably eat him alive
№12 Author: Lu (20 Mar 2014 21:59) Total user comments: 15132

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Gumol rules. :07:

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