Shooting Someone For 100 Retweets (2 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Mar, 2014  |
  • Views: 4718  |
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Police arrested a man for tweeting he’d shoot someone for 100 retweets. Los Angeles police said 20-year-old Dakkari McAnuff accused of tweeting photos of a firearm pointed at streets has been arrested.

1 Shooting Someone For 100 Retweets (2 pics)

2 Shooting Someone For 100 Retweets (2 pics)

№1 Author: saint357 (17 Mar 2014 15:31) Total user comments: 2366

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what a FU***NG MORON :09:
№2 Author: DeadlyNinja (17 Mar 2014 20:17) Total user comments: 96

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they should arrest the people who retweeted also (if some retweeted)
№3 Author: Ben2017 (19 Mar 2014 14:37) Total user comments: 2046

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