Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 14 Mar, 2014  |
  • Views: 10222  |
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Celebrities who look ugly when they cry.

1 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

2 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

3 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

4 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

5 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

6 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

7 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

8 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

9 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

10 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

11 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

12 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

13 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

14 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

15 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

16 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

17 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

18 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

19 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

20 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

21 Celebrities Crying (21 pics)

№1 Author: Kat (14 Mar 2014 05:13) Total user comments: 0

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Britney's adorable, I hate to see her cry. And the girl in #19 makes me sad to see her cry because she lost her bf recently.
№2 Author: Gi-Joe (14 Mar 2014 16:19) Total user comments: 960

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I don't think I've ever seen a pretty crier.
№3 Author: Lu (14 Mar 2014 19:15) Total user comments: 15132

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Hmm, next time I cry I'm going to look in the mirror . . just for interest sake, see.

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