How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Mar, 2014  |
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1 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

2 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

3 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

4 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

5 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

6 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

7 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

8 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

9 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

10 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

11 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

12 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

13 How Medical Technology Has Changed Over the Years (13 pics)

№1 Author: P (13 Mar 2014 04:10) Total user comments: 0

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Yeah, but for example in Poland people can still afford only the left variant...
№2 Author: Grunt Callahan (13 Mar 2014 06:21) Total user comments: 2430

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#5 are two completely different things.
№3 Author: Jericho (13 Mar 2014 12:37) Total user comments: 670

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Not so sure the last photo was much about medicine, if you know what I mean.
№4 Author: Jaal (13 Mar 2014 13:41) Total user comments: 0

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Frightfully unimpressive - many things still look very similar. At least we don't use mercury as "medicine" anymore.

Makes you think what people will think of our medicine 100 years from now.
Father: "In my grandfathers time they treated cancer with radiation"
Son: "You lie dad, who would ever do something as absurd as that?"
Father: "And they would vaccinate you with vaccines that contained dead viruses, animal tissue and heavy metals"
Son: "Yeah right, and I'm supposed to believe that"
№5 Author: saint357 (13 Mar 2014 15:42) Total user comments: 2366

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ok :10:
№6 Author: Lu (13 Mar 2014 22:37) Total user comments: 15132

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Three cheers for technology.

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