Found in Mailbox (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 Mar, 2014  |
  • Views: 14623  |
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One guy found this bag in his mailbox.

1 Found in Mailbox (9 pics)

$13,007 and a loaded .357 magnum.

2 Found in Mailbox (9 pics)

3 Found in Mailbox (9 pics)

4 Found in Mailbox (9 pics)

5 Found in Mailbox (9 pics)

6 Found in Mailbox (9 pics)

7 Found in Mailbox (9 pics)

8 Found in Mailbox (9 pics)

9 Found in Mailbox (9 pics)


№1 Author: YeahRight (11 Mar 2014 02:21) Total user comments: 1998

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  • Like time!!! :04: :12: :04:
№2 Author: radical_ed (11 Mar 2014 03:00) Total user comments: 636

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Sounds like an alternate beginning for 'No country for old men'.
№3 Author: Tomaz86 (11 Mar 2014 04:20) Total user comments: 10834

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:04: Finding is not stolen my friend! :12:
№4 Author: mahedi (11 Mar 2014 06:33) Total user comments: 10772

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Enjoy :04:
№5 Author: kryptor (11 Mar 2014 07:42) Total user comments: 4840

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№6 Author: Aindy (11 Mar 2014 11:51) Total user comments: 2863

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Yes, spend it, nobody will miss 13000. And he must have given you the only gun he will ever have.........
№7 Author: scubasteve (11 Mar 2014 14:24) Total user comments: 0

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Sounds like someone was setting a hit contract up.... might want to put that shit back where you found it
№8 Author: Gi-Joe (11 Mar 2014 14:42) Total user comments: 960

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Its probably his own money and gun. I stopped believing stories I see on the internet.
№9 Author: elm4go (11 Mar 2014 16:49) Total user comments: 0

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Good one leaving your fingerprints on it!!
№10 Author: twitchyfuzz (11 Mar 2014 17:34) Total user comments: 373

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Meh, could always do a google image search and see what else pops up. Maybe the shells are blanks!
№11 Author: Lu (11 Mar 2014 20:13) Total user comments: 15132

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Scrolling down, I thought we are going to see every note in the pack. . .
№12 Author: Maxcoseti (11 Mar 2014 22:28) Total user comments: 0

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Gi-Joe, You should stop making any more coments, now!
Lu, That was to show the bills are consecutive
№13 Author: mobius (11 Mar 2014 22:49) Total user comments: 1073

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If this is real and not just a pic prank, the person that left the cash and the gun know where they left them and will probably be back looking for them. I don't think they are going to knock before entering...

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