Polar Bear Anton Dies After Eating Visitor's Stuff (2 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Mar, 2014  |
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Polar bear Anton dies in German zoo. Contents of his stomach after autopsy shows pieces of jackets, backpacks, and plastic people threw into his enclosure.

1 Polar Bear Anton Dies After Eating Visitor's Stuff (2 pics)

2 Polar Bear Anton Dies After Eating Visitor's Stuff (2 pics)

№1 Author: No1 (7 Mar 2014 05:03) Total user comments: 1621

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Some sick fucks out there who throw trash at an animal and laugh when he eats it.
№2 Author: nitris (7 Mar 2014 11:55) Total user comments: 0

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That must have been one warm polar bear stomach.
№3 Author: Aindy (7 Mar 2014 14:57) Total user comments: 2863

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There is also the problem of keeping a bear in captivity for the amusement of others.
№4 Author: saint357 (7 Mar 2014 19:34) Total user comments: 2366

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I agree with the previous 2 comments :02:
№5 Author: Lu (7 Mar 2014 20:23) Total user comments: 15132

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Best is to get the animals behind glass. Assholes will keep on doing this.
№6 Author: alexacrow (9 Mar 2014 05:48) Total user comments: 1164

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Best is to keep animals in their natural environments, not the zoo

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