Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 Mar, 2014  |
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The truth about famous hoaxes.

The Ultimate Houseboat. The image originates from the site of a Bolig Partnera Norwegian home construction firm, which is urging people to "Realize your dream home in the New Year!

1 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

The ship itself is a VARD Offshore Subsea Construction Vessel. The house which was digitally placed on the ship's helipad comes from an image on the site of
Ultimalt a Norwegian paint company.

2 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

Orphaned Syrian Boy Sleeping Between His Parents' Graves. As this image went viral people assumed it showed a child whose family had been killed during the conflict in Syria.

3 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

It was actualy a staged shot taken by photographer Abdel Aziz Al-Atibi of his nephew in Saudi Arabia as part of a conceptual art project. When he learned of how the photo was being misunderstood, he uploaded more photos showing other shots of his nephew during the photoshoot, to demonstrate that the scene was a staged art project.

4 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

Theodore Roosevelt Rides a Moose. He was president of the United States from 1901-1909. In that time he was acclaimed for his cowboy persona and robust masculinity. So masculine he even rode a moose!

5 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

In 1912, Roosevelt split from the Republican Party, then ran for president as head of the newly formed Progressive Party, sometimes referred to as the Bull Moose Party. Before the election the New York Tribune ran a set of humorous pictures showing the three main candidates astride the animals associated with their parties. All three images were fake. They had been created by the photographic firm Underwood and Underwood."

6 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

What Happens When Lightning Strikes Sand. When lightning strikes sand, it can form fulgurites, which are also known as lightning tubes or petrified

7 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

What the image really shows is a piece of driftwood with sand piled on top of it. The structure was created by "Sandcastle Matt and posted on his Flickr photostream. He described it as the biggest sandcastle I've ever

8 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

Paris Hilton Says 'Stop Being Poor.

9 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

In the original photo taken at The Palms Hotel in Las Vegas on April 15, 2005, the message on her shirt reads: Stop Being Desperate.

10 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

Snow-Covered Sphinx. Photos of the Sohinx covered in snow went viral, on the heels of reports of the first snowfall in Cairo for 112 years.

11 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

The snow-covered images don't show THE Sphinx in Egypt covered in snow. Instead, what they show is a miniature model of the Sphinx located in the Tobu World Square theme park in Japan. The theme park has miniature models of many other famous attractions from around the world."

12 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

Fairy Pools. This photo, identified as The Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Scotland, started circulating online in Oct 2013.

13 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

In reality, the picture shows the scenic Shotover River in New Zealand, where the vegetation is a normal shade of green. The vivid purple color is completely artificial, achieved by means of a color filter.

14 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

Angry Koala. A viscious Koala is upset in the rain.

15 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

The reality is Koalas don't have wolf-like jaws.The original photo was taken in January 2009 by Flickr user who explained that the koala was wet because he had sprayed it with water.

16 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

Barack Obama has admitted to being a smoker, though before he launched his presidential campaign he resolved to quit the habit. There are hardly any photos of him smoking, largely because his campaign makes great efforts to stop such photos getting out.

17 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

The original photo was taken by Kwame Ross on Aug. 3, 2004 at the University of Illinois while campaigning to become a U.S. Senator. An unknown hoaxer digitally added the cigarette into the photo.

18 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

Sarah Palin With Gun In Bikini. The image showing former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin posing in an American flag bikini while holding a gun started to circulate online soon after she was chosen as John McCain's Vice-Presidential candidate.

19 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

The image was created by an unknown hoaxer who removed Palin's head from a photo showing Palin marching in the Chugiak July 4 Parade. The hoaxer then pasted Palin's head onto the body of a bikini-wearing model.

20 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

9-11 Tourist Guy. Soon after September 11, 2001, a sensational photo began circulating via email. It showed a tourist posing for a snapshot on top of the World Trade Center as a hijacked plane approached from behind. Apparently the photo had been taken just seconds before disaster struck.

21 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

Absolute proof of the photo's lack of authenticity came when online sleuths realized that the plane in the photo had been cut-and-pasted from a photo taken by Jonathan Derden

22 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

Gearge W. Bush Reads Book Upside-Down. Bush and a young child are both reading from America: A Patriotic Primer by Lynne Cheney. But if you look closely, it appears that President Bush is holding his book upside down.

23 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)

The original version of the photo was taken in the Summer of 2002 while Bush was visiting George Sanchez Charter School in Houston. It was distributed by the Associated Press.

24 Famous Hoaxes (24 pics)


№1 Author: cynic_male (6 Mar 2014 02:02) Total user comments: 188

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And still it's amazing how many people still tout the same photos as true
№2 Author: adzhoe (6 Mar 2014 05:09) Total user comments: 15111

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№3 Author: YeahRight (6 Mar 2014 05:31) Total user comments: 1998

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...humans without education are so gullible... :13: :13: :13:
№4 Author: saint357 (6 Mar 2014 19:49) Total user comments: 2366

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education is not the determining factor as to the degree of ones ability to be fooled or not! :56:
№5 Author: Lu (6 Mar 2014 20:01) Total user comments: 15132

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With our technology in mind, are photos and videos still used as evidence in the courts?
№6 Author: wali (9 Mar 2014 00:58) Total user comments: 0

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the last one is true

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