Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Mar, 2014  |
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1 Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)

2 Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)

3 Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)

4 Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)

5 Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)

6 Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)

7 Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)

8 Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)

9 Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)

10 Inmates Give Advices to Their Younger Self (10 pics)


№1 Author: JALKMFE (3 Mar 2014 04:58) Total user comments: 0

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Try to read some but now I have blurry vision.
Been there, you know?
№2 Author: fairmania (3 Mar 2014 13:15) Total user comments: 1460

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Age doesn't always bring wisdom, but for some it brings the perspective view of what might have been, and what maybe should have been.

Learning from your mistakes is a key part of growing up, and hopefully realising a few future mistakes might keep you from a fate such as this.

I have made enough mistakes in my life, questionable choices, unfocussed views, but thankfully my friends and family have been there to help when I have stumbled. I couldn't have made it without them!
№3 Author: Lu (3 Mar 2014 20:07) Total user comments: 15132

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In this life, take, all the help you can get, and give all the help that you can give.

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