Dream Facts (10 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Feb, 2014  |
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1 Dream Facts (10 pics)

2 Dream Facts (10 pics)

3 Dream Facts (10 pics)

4 Dream Facts (10 pics)

5 Dream Facts (10 pics)

6 Dream Facts (10 pics)

7 Dream Facts (10 pics)

8 Dream Facts (10 pics)

9 Dream Facts (10 pics)

10 Dream Facts (10 pics)

№1 Author: capt.huffnpuff (26 Feb 2014 07:29) Total user comments: 2822

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#1 is nonsense. Go back and read Wikipedia (or any good medical source). There are 4 stages of sleep about every 90 minutues - NREM 1 - 3, and REM sleep during which you dream. Your body is paralyzed only during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and then only for a few minutes at a time. The quoted text does not appear in the Wikipedia article on sleep.
№2 Author: Lu (26 Feb 2014 19:34) Total user comments: 15132

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One day I'm going to dream the Lotto numbers . . . . one day . . . .
№3 Author: Jericho (27 Feb 2014 02:00) Total user comments: 670

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No, no, it's all true, Mr. Sandman turns you around the bed during the night, not yourself.
№4 Author: MWarrior (2 Mar 2014 13:45) Total user comments: 1024

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"no time to sleep gotta go drilling panzie ass"

So your boyfriend's the bottom?
№5 Author: YeahRight (9 Mar 2014 13:31) Total user comments: 1998

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...dreams are what dreams are made of rigt??? just dreams...

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