Chinese Woman Survives a Terrible Crash (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 7218  |
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35-year-old Chinese woman was trapped in her car in Fuzhou, Fujian province after a lorry shed cement all over her vehicle. She was trapped beneath the crushed roof for 40 minutes. As the rescuers began clearing the vehicle of cement they heard her moaning and 40 minutes later were able to pull her free. The woman was left with little more than a few cuts and bruises as a result of the accident.

1 Chinese Woman Survives a Terrible Crash (9 pics)

2 Chinese Woman Survives a Terrible Crash (9 pics)

3 Chinese Woman Survives a Terrible Crash (9 pics)

4 Chinese Woman Survives a Terrible Crash (9 pics)

5 Chinese Woman Survives a Terrible Crash (9 pics)

6 Chinese Woman Survives a Terrible Crash (9 pics)

7 Chinese Woman Survives a Terrible Crash (9 pics)

8 Chinese Woman Survives a Terrible Crash (9 pics)

9 Chinese Woman Survives a Terrible Crash (9 pics)

№1 Author: GustavoSM (25 Feb 2014 14:53) Total user comments: 396

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№2 Author: saint357 (25 Feb 2014 17:03) Total user comments: 2366

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what a mess :15:
№3 Author: Lu (25 Feb 2014 21:47) Total user comments: 15132

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Concrete evidence.
№4 Author: mobius (25 Feb 2014 22:36) Total user comments: 1073

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Hard (ening) case there...

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