Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 8982  |
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Teen pregnancy is a real problem in Honduras, one of the poorest countries in the world.

1 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

2 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

3 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

4 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

5 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

6 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

7 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

8 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

9 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

10 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

11 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

12 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

13 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

14 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

15 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

16 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

17 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

18 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

19 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

20 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

21 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

22 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

23 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

24 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

25 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

26 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

27 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

28 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

29 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

30 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

31 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

32 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)

33 Teen Mothers in Honduras (33 pics)


№1 Author: Hugo (25 Feb 2014 04:16) Total user comments: 0

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if you use that kind of filter in photoshop everything looks dirty and depressing.
№2 Author: Buster Mcnutty (25 Feb 2014 05:42) Total user comments: 202

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Teen pregnancy is not the problem, it's the society they live in
№3 Author: Bre (25 Feb 2014 07:08) Total user comments: 0

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I go there nearly every summer on mission trips with my church and the places we go are even worse. You wouldn't believe how many little kids there are just running around barefoot. Concrete brick houses with cloth roofs and no plumbing or electricity. I would do anything to show them that material possessions are only a small part of their lives and that they have so much more to live for.
№4 Author: CoyDog (25 Feb 2014 08:11) Total user comments: 135

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The problem is a religion the doesn't accept the use of birth control.
№5 Author: Robnick (25 Feb 2014 15:48) Total user comments: 83

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coydog, maybe not but surely they can take it out? :04:
№6 Author: twitchyfuzz (25 Feb 2014 17:48) Total user comments: 373

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I've heard of people going through withdrawals because of drugs. Apparently the guys there don't know what withdrawals in sex is..
№7 Author: MexAndi (26 Feb 2014 08:01) Total user comments: 177

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Not too poor if the can afford to buy vulgar plastic jewelery and makeup to make themselves look like total whores.

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