Girl Proposes to Her Boyfriend (5 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 7331  |
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The guy looks so happy!

1 Girl Proposes to Her Boyfriend (5 pics)

2 Girl Proposes to Her Boyfriend (5 pics)

3 Girl Proposes to Her Boyfriend (5 pics)

4 Girl Proposes to Her Boyfriend (5 pics)

5 Girl Proposes to Her Boyfriend (5 pics)

№1 Author: lepetitrat (24 Feb 2014 07:58) Total user comments: 66

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Kinda pathetic.... :13:
№2 Author: thetruth (24 Feb 2014 08:43) Total user comments: 0

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that guy didn't look to happy about it
№3 Author: Bobby (24 Feb 2014 10:48) Total user comments: 1475

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He looks sooooo happy.
I can bet he saw his life flashing before his eyes. But he stood straight and didn't run begging to be rescued.
Vaya con Dios, brave man!
№4 Author: saint357 (24 Feb 2014 19:28) Total user comments: 2366

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he's gay :05:
№5 Author: Lu (24 Feb 2014 21:05) Total user comments: 15132

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Not even a proper hug. Cold ass dickhead.
№6 Author: frankeymoran (24 Feb 2014 22:37) Total user comments: 52

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shocking :09:
№7 Author: mobius (25 Feb 2014 01:59) Total user comments: 1073

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Good for her! So long as she's happy being married to a stiff. Maybe he's a rich stiff.

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