Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Feb, 2014  |
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Why would any one put these things inside his butt?


1 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)


2 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)


3 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Toy car

4 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Buzz Lightyear

5 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Cell phone

6 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Bottle with a wire inserted to "retrieve" it

7 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Impulse Body Spray

8 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

A live shell

9 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

A new hip didn't slow this person down
Read more at http://.com/2014/02/22/xrays_that_prove_that_horny_guys_are_idiots_17_pics.html#MeeEHHFARfiKwfcT.99

10 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Peanut Butter jar

11 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

A fork. In the penis.

12 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Spray Paint

13 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Billiard Ball

14 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Vibrator and tongs

15 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Vibrator in the rectum. The patient attempted self-removal with a pair of salad tongs, which also became lodged.


16 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)

Pint Glass

17 Stuck in Rectums (17 pics)


№1 Author: No1 (24 Feb 2014 02:27) Total user comments: 1621

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With Photoshop, I wonder how many of these are real.
№2 Author: candysack (24 Feb 2014 03:32) Total user comments: 1436

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is it the name, Impulse Body Spray, or to shove a body spray up your ass was an impulse, and that is why :51:
№3 Author: nitris (24 Feb 2014 09:41) Total user comments: 0

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After the peanut butter jar I became skeptical of most of these.
№4 Author: Tomaz86 (24 Feb 2014 17:20) Total user comments: 10834

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:15: I felt the pain of # 2 :15:
№5 Author: choochwhocharlie (24 Feb 2014 19:31) Total user comments: 2136

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My wife (the er nurse) tells me this happens quite often
№6 Author: saint357 (24 Feb 2014 20:00) Total user comments: 2366

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yea right :09:
№7 Author: Lu (24 Feb 2014 22:52) Total user comments: 15132

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Wonder how many is drug related?

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