Sad but Very Good Love Story (4 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Feb, 2014  |
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Floreen and Ed Hale were an inseparable couple for 60 years. Their love alone could have inspired hundreds of other married couples to make things work. Over the decades, they happily lived their lives together. It turns out, their love was so strong, even death couldn’t keep them apart.

One month ago, Ed was hospitalized due to kidney failure.

1 Sad but Very Good Love Story (4 pics)

Then, his wife was rushed to a separate hospital with congestive heart failure.

2 Sad but Very Good Love Story (4 pics)

Initially, Ed was too weak to be transported so that he could be with his dying wife. But eventually, the two different hospitals worked to reunite this couple.

3 Sad but Very Good Love Story (4 pics)

Then, 82 year-old Floreen died while holding the hand of her beloved, 83 year-old Ed. He passed away only hours later.

4 Sad but Very Good Love Story (4 pics)

№1 Author: candysack (24 Feb 2014 03:58) Total user comments: 1436

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when someone becomes your life and you lose them...
№2 Author: Hypertension (24 Feb 2014 05:20) Total user comments: 1195

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Life is a very very short journey .. without LOVE.

so, find your LOVE and don't let him/her go.
№3 Author: saint357 (24 Feb 2014 16:49) Total user comments: 2366

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Touching! :29:
№4 Author: Lu (24 Feb 2014 20:19) Total user comments: 15132

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'Until death do us part'. . . .

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