The Truth is Important (35 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Feb, 2014  |
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Never underestimate the truth.

1 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

2 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

3 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

4 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

5 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

6 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

7 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

8 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

9 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

10 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

11 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

12 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

13 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

14 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

15 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

16 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

17 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

18 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

19 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

20 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

21 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

22 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

23 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

24 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

25 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

26 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

27 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

28 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

29 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

30 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

31 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

32 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

33 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

34 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

35 The Truth is Important (35 pics)

№1 Author: robn1 (20 Feb 2014 02:49) Total user comments: 810

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Sadly, yes to it all. :02:
№2 Author: MathIsHard (20 Feb 2014 04:47) Total user comments: 1404

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if you're pre-born, you're fine
if you're (pre)(school), you're fncked

- George Carlin

and I'm gonna keep an eye out for the guy in the first pic

№3 Author: adzhoe (20 Feb 2014 06:15) Total user comments: 15111

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...A lot more to these than a simple statement...
№4 Author: Maxid (20 Feb 2014 15:28) Total user comments: 694

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What a mix of bland faux wisdom, pseudo-aphorisms, and poor logic. Half truths will not and should not win over new allies, and will never make the world a better place.
№5 Author: Ano (20 Feb 2014 16:44) Total user comments: 0

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Lots of anti-capitalism and pro-socialism quotes! To see what socialism really is (NOT the ideal socialism defined in the dictionary or in a Communist's Manifesto), the poster should live a life of an ordinary (NOT the privileged ones like Eric X. Lee or those who have "connections") person in China, Vietnam or North Korea. I'm sure it will be an eye-openning experience for him.
№6 Author: Hott_RoDD (20 Feb 2014 19:57) Total user comments: 292

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alot of attack on the church :02:
the global elite are the ones to blame for
№7 Author: Son Of A Gunderson (20 Feb 2014 20:15) Total user comments: 123

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#22: Uh huh.
№8 Author: Lu (20 Feb 2014 21:20) Total user comments: 15132

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#27 Oh, the poor puppets. :13:
№9 Author: joe schmoe (20 Feb 2014 22:25) Total user comments: 0

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lots of liberal propaganda mixed in with this post... YUCK
№10 Author: weeboo (22 Feb 2014 05:22) Total user comments: 0

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Yeah, If you live in the US especially, we are inundated with this propaganda on a daily basis. "We accept your way of thinking as long as it aligns with ours or we will call you ignorant, racist, or something worse." It is becoming tiresome. as an example: Global warming has been disproved over and over again by those that do say climate change exists, those who where on the global warming bandwagon now jump on the climate change wagon and claim them to be the same and call everyone else idiots. the hypocrisy and internet education is turning our societies into bastions of ignorance that revel in it. Logic and critical thinking are dead. And before you say it~ I am pro-gay marriage, pro-environment and not of a religious nature, oh yeah: and a republican. Enough of the ignorance please.

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