Crack Pipe Vending Machines (7 pics)

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  • 17 Feb, 2014  |
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A drug treatment centre established two crack pipe vending machines in Vancouver, Canada. Now drug users have access to clean Pyrex crack pipes that cost 25 cents each. Chipped pipes can cause everything from flu, colds and cold sores to HIV.

1 Crack Pipe Vending Machines (7 pics)

2 Crack Pipe Vending Machines (7 pics)

3 Crack Pipe Vending Machines (7 pics)

4 Crack Pipe Vending Machines (7 pics)

5 Crack Pipe Vending Machines (7 pics)

6 Crack Pipe Vending Machines (7 pics)

7 Crack Pipe Vending Machines (7 pics)

№1 Author: CoyDog (17 Feb 2014 09:01) Total user comments: 135

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Pipes can't "cause" flu, colds or HIV.
№2 Author: Bobby (17 Feb 2014 10:18) Total user comments: 1475

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Getting HIV from smoking. Hilarious!
It's the same chance as getting pregnant from swallowing.
№3 Author: ottovp (17 Feb 2014 12:04) Total user comments: 582

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actually u asshole don't know that junkies share the pipes often broken....made of glass.... 1+1 makes? die with aids
№4 Author: styopa (17 Feb 2014 16:29) Total user comments: 1538

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^3 : And if a junkie dies of aids, why should the rest of us care? They made some life choices that put them there, at SOME point people have to live (or not) with the consequences of their actions.

№5 Author: mobius (17 Feb 2014 18:28) Total user comments: 1073

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Quit enabling them. Let them have the broken pipes. It is a choice to get high. After they hit rock bottom, then they can get help or fade away...
№6 Author: rodrigozanatta (17 Feb 2014 19:24) Total user comments: 695

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styopa, this is a stupid answer. Ok, they are doing bad choices and A LOT will die by it.

But what about if he change her mind? Do you think this people will be more productive for society if he has AIDS or not? Or, in this case, the government will need to pay more for this guy with aids than if just spend a small money now giving clean ways to drug yourself.

This is the theory of Harm reduction. I really like it.

And accept it: people will use drugs! No matter what you do, people will continue using drugs. You can reduce, but can't stop.
№7 Author: Aindy (17 Feb 2014 20:59) Total user comments: 2863

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Nobody will look at you strangely by buying from those vending machines.....

... or will they......
№8 Author: joe schmoe (17 Feb 2014 22:14) Total user comments: 0

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I wonder how clear the camera is, that is pointing at the vending machine, and if the police are watching in real time..I think we all know that answer.. I expect a surge in busts coming soon

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