This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

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  • 17 Feb, 2014  |
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Noma is a two Michelin star restaurant run by chef René Redzepi in Copenhagen, Denmark. In 2010, 2011 and 2012, it has been ranked as the Best Restaurant in the World by Restaurant magazine. In 2013, Noma was voted the second best restaurant in the world.

The first appetizer was actually hidden in the table arrangement. It consisted of malt flatbread and juniper.

1 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

“moss and cep,”—fried reindeer moss and mushrooms.

2 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Crispy pork skin and black currant

3 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Cookies and cheese, rockets and stems

4 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Blue mussels and celery

5 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Caramelized milk and cod liver

6 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Rye, chicken skin, and peas

7 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Potato and chicken liver

8 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

quail eggs, pickled and smoked

9 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

To eat the radish, soil and grass, diners must actually pluck the radish out of malt soil and dip it into a creamy sauce

10 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Herb toast and smoked cod roe

11 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Æbleskiver and muikku—Nordic-style pancakes wrapped around preserved fish

12 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

bread basket

13 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

squid and unripe sloe berry served with white currant and pine

14 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

sea urchin and cream with dill and cucumber

15 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Limfjords oysters and seaweed with gooseberry and buttermilk, served on a bed of rocks

16 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

chestnuts and lojrom with walnuts and rye

17 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Pike perch and cabbages, verbena and dill

18 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Celeriac and truffle

19 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

pickled vegetables and bone marrow with browned butter and parsley

20 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

wild duck and beets with beech and malt

21 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Gammel Dansk, a bitter local liquor, served with cucumber, white chocolate, and celery

22 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)

Carrot and sea buckthorn

23 This Is What a Meal in Noma Looks Like (23 pics)


№1 Author: morrel2 (17 Feb 2014 02:11) Total user comments: 682

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The people that vote this kind of place as the best in the world are self claimed experts or connoisseurs and are really no more than a pack of idiots.
№2 Author: Grunt Callahan (17 Feb 2014 02:24) Total user comments: 2430

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fuck that give me a corndog
№3 Author: No1 (17 Feb 2014 02:48) Total user comments: 1621

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I don't know if they're idiots. It could be the best tasting food ever. But I'll never have enough money or influence to ever eat there, so I'll never be able to decide for myself.
№4 Author: Maddogz (17 Feb 2014 02:49) Total user comments: 404

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It always amazes me how people will spend so much for such a small amount of food portion wise.
№5 Author: unclebimbo (17 Feb 2014 05:03) Total user comments: 105

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I'd rather have a steak and baked potato than 18 sample portioned sized "meals" made by pretentious douche bags
№6 Author: Hugo (17 Feb 2014 05:42) Total user comments: 0

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when my doggy have stomach ache he bites some grass and later he pukes something that looks exactly like #18.
№7 Author: adzhoe (17 Feb 2014 06:49) Total user comments: 15111

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After you visit that place, then you go out and eat real food.
№8 Author: MWarrior (17 Feb 2014 07:13) Total user comments: 1024

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#10 also goes by another name: "Gardening".
№9 Author: Aindy (17 Feb 2014 11:32) Total user comments: 2863

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I dont know, Id say those stones keep you full for quite a long time....
№10 Author: coops766 (17 Feb 2014 12:38) Total user comments: 5

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most of that looks like my cat just Puked
№11 Author: ovidescu (17 Feb 2014 13:31) Total user comments: 9

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Looks like meals for ants. And to think you must pay big bucks for those meals :88:
№12 Author: theX (17 Feb 2014 14:25) Total user comments: 0

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Haven't expected you people to be so narrow minded. This is about tasting the food, savoring the flavors and exploring new combinations. But if you prefer mcDonalds...
№13 Author: unp (17 Feb 2014 14:56) Total user comments: 0

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question: were these pics taken after the meal ? another question: is one still hungry after paying the bill ?
№14 Author: Jaal (17 Feb 2014 15:31) Total user comments: 0

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My cat pukes out N 18 every week or so...
№15 Author: Skurupu (17 Feb 2014 16:03) Total user comments: 451

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This is for hard core foodies. Don't hate it, just because you don't understand it.
№16 Author: tapatio (17 Feb 2014 16:52) Total user comments: 2047

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I am a Le Cordon B, trained Chef, have cook for many A list actors, Political figures and assholes with shitloads of money, the one thing i`ve learned them sums of bitches will lick your dick if you tell them a little BS story about the uniqueness of this particular dish.
I am ashamed to read or see this fuken pieces of shit cooking for ass wipes snubs and some dick publishing this as something we should aspire to eat.
some one here called hardcore foodies the sons of bitches that go to this shit holes,i will correct this, hard core foodies are in fact assholes that want so bad to be unique, that will eat turd coated in truffles shavings just to outdo the next ass-rimed fag.
for the rest of the world a very well cooked double burger with bacon and crispy fries and a pepsi will be just at the end we win.!

№17 Author: robn1 (17 Feb 2014 21:55) Total user comments: 810

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A little pr will get you anywhere. :07: :07: :07:

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