Evolution Door is the Coolest Door Ever (3 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 13079  |
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Evolution Door by an Austrian artist Klemens Torggler.

1 Evolution Door is the Coolest Door Ever (3 pics)

2 Evolution Door is the Coolest Door Ever (3 pics)

3 Evolution Door is the Coolest Door Ever (3 pics)

№1 Author: Zigg (13 Feb 2014 06:21) Total user comments: 33

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Clever but I might consider it dangerous when kids are around
№2 Author: mahedi (13 Feb 2014 06:54) Total user comments: 10772

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Like it
№3 Author: thedogofdogs (13 Feb 2014 09:59) Total user comments: 29

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№4 Author: szagi (13 Feb 2014 11:12) Total user comments: 426

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Where to buy ?
№5 Author: NIA666 (13 Feb 2014 12:55) Total user comments: 0

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Yeah, clever. Except you can't conveniently open/close those doors from both sides. Before you downvote me, give it a though why is that.
№6 Author: peaceb (13 Feb 2014 13:48) Total user comments: 25

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:04: love it
№7 Author: picoky (13 Feb 2014 15:55) Total user comments: 0

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If you want to close the door or open it from the other room... it doesn't seem comfy.
№8 Author: mobius (14 Feb 2014 00:07) Total user comments: 1073

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Cool idea, just an opportunity to get your fingers pinched, though. And how am I supposed to make a point to my spouse if I can't slam the door!

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