How to Cook an Egg Inside a Condom (4 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Feb, 2014  |
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If you want to make a boiled omelette but don't have a bag, you can use a usual condom. It works perfect.

1 How to Cook an Egg Inside a Condom (4 pics)

2 How to Cook an Egg Inside a Condom (4 pics)

3 How to Cook an Egg Inside a Condom (4 pics)

4 How to Cook an Egg Inside a Condom (4 pics)

№1 Author: maxpower (12 Feb 2014 02:24) Total user comments: 154

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I think I'll pass...

:74: > :87:
№2 Author: No1 (12 Feb 2014 04:19) Total user comments: 1621

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Would cooking it in the shell be that difficult?
№3 Author: candysack (12 Feb 2014 05:23) Total user comments: 1436

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nothing is like the taste of boiled lubricant on your egg :10:
№4 Author: 1234 (12 Feb 2014 06:06) Total user comments: 1878

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mmmmmm durex :39:
№5 Author: vanel911 (12 Feb 2014 13:23) Total user comments: 550

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what flavor...?
№6 Author: unp (12 Feb 2014 13:43) Total user comments: 0

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I just love all the pink little stars he added to make the whole thing more... acceptable ? MAGIK !
№7 Author: Tusc (12 Feb 2014 14:05) Total user comments: 0

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Flavour of regret
№8 Author: Tomaz86 (12 Feb 2014 15:03) Total user comments: 10834

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:15: I do not believe that there is someone who eats it :39:
№9 Author: szagi (12 Feb 2014 16:27) Total user comments: 426

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I`l pass this time
№10 Author: alexacrow (20 Feb 2014 23:18) Total user comments: 1164

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Because cooking it directly into the pan would be crazy? :17:

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