Selfie from 1920 (2 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 Feb, 2014  |
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1 Selfie from 1920 (2 pics)

2 Selfie from 1920 (2 pics)

№1 Author: capt.huffnpuff (11 Feb 2014 12:54) Total user comments: 2822

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Man taking selfie does not have a hat on. But in the pic everyon has a hat on????
№2 Author: artefact (11 Feb 2014 14:06) Total user comments: 0

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And the floor isn't the same. It may be the same people but in another place !
№3 Author: Kojot77 (11 Feb 2014 14:59) Total user comments: 101

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just photoshopped after ::D
№4 Author: adzhoe (11 Feb 2014 23:55) Total user comments: 15111

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