What Is It Like to Stay at a Tokyo Capsule Hotel (5 pics)

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  • 10 Feb, 2014  |
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One guy stayed at a Tokyo capsule hotel for a week. Some Japanese people who lost their jobs live their for months or even years.


1 What Is It Like to Stay at a Tokyo Capsule Hotel (5 pics)

Look at this inviting and warm lobby. You buy a ticket out of the vending machine on the left to stay the night.


2 What Is It Like to Stay at a Tokyo Capsule Hotel (5 pics)

After going up an elevator I made it to the 7th floor. The entire floor is basically a hallway with these small square holes stacked 2 high on each side. I was on the bottom.

No real door

3 What Is It Like to Stay at a Tokyo Capsule Hotel (5 pics)

I hope no one on my floor snores (spoilers: they did).


4 What Is It Like to Stay at a Tokyo Capsule Hotel (5 pics)

This is from the inside looking at the door. Note the spacious closet and ventilation fan.


5 What Is It Like to Stay at a Tokyo Capsule Hotel (5 pics)

My legs for scale. The tv took ¥100 coins to watch it but I just assumed it didn't work. And don't be fooled by the window... it was bolted shut.


№1 Author: Keta (10 Feb 2014 11:09) Total user comments: 386

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Wow, that's a really small room.
№2 Author: thughugger (10 Feb 2014 11:45) Total user comments: 1015

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So how much does it cost a night?
№3 Author: Aindy (10 Feb 2014 14:57) Total user comments: 2863

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I googled it, so might not be 100% accurate, but it came as $30 to $70 dollars a night. Not as cheap as youd think....
№4 Author: Gi-Joe (10 Feb 2014 16:55) Total user comments: 960

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If I'm just spending the night somewhere this is pretty much all I need.
№5 Author: saint357 (10 Feb 2014 18:07) Total user comments: 2366

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how do the unemployeed afford to stay there for that long at 30 to 70 bucks a night? :09:
№6 Author: Lu (10 Feb 2014 19:36) Total user comments: 15132

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So, where is the nearest toilet?
№7 Author: Louie (10 Feb 2014 21:32) Total user comments: 8189

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№8 Author: shade (10 Feb 2014 23:21) Total user comments: 1634

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claustrophiliac dream
№9 Author: adzhoe (12 Feb 2014 01:28) Total user comments: 15111

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like shade said...

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