Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 9145  |
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Facts about the human languages which you probably didn't know.

1 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

2 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

3 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

4 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

5 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

6 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

7 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

8 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

9 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

10 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

11 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

12 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

13 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

14 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

15 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

16 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

17 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

18 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

19 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

20 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

21 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

22 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

23 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

24 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)

25 Very Interesting Facts About Languages (25 pics)


№1 Author: Son Of A Gunderson (10 Feb 2014 19:05) Total user comments: 123

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How can #10 and #11 both be true? If a language dies every 14 days, there should be a lot more than 231 dead languages.
№2 Author: Lu (10 Feb 2014 19:48) Total user comments: 15132

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#19 And, these days, speaking Bullshit is gaining ground fast. So, that makes it 12.
№3 Author: Louie (10 Feb 2014 21:36) Total user comments: 8189

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№4 Author: foisse (27 Feb 2014 03:46) Total user comments: 0

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U know: more than a third of all English words are derived directly or indirectly from French.
more crazy than 13 pronunciations of "o".

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