Steel Rose (14 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 6109  |
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One guy has made a steel rose for his girlfriend. Because a steel rose never withers.

1 Steel Rose (14 pics)

2 Steel Rose (14 pics)

3 Steel Rose (14 pics)

4 Steel Rose (14 pics)

5 Steel Rose (14 pics)

6 Steel Rose (14 pics)

7 Steel Rose (14 pics)

8 Steel Rose (14 pics)

9 Steel Rose (14 pics)

10 Steel Rose (14 pics)

11 Steel Rose (14 pics)

12 Steel Rose (14 pics)

13 Steel Rose (14 pics)

14 Steel Rose (14 pics)

№1 Author: NIA666 (10 Feb 2014 12:40) Total user comments: 0

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Solid gift
№2 Author: mahedi (10 Feb 2014 13:09) Total user comments: 10772

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Nice work
№3 Author: Aindy (10 Feb 2014 15:26) Total user comments: 2863

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A plastic rose also doesnt wither. But neither a metal or plastic rose has the property which makes the rose so popular...... its beautiful smell.
№4 Author: unp (10 Feb 2014 18:34) Total user comments: 0

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yeah... on the other hand, a rose that dies teaches about the ephemeral nature of things taken for granted. take care of the ones you love. but it's a beautiful work nonetheless.
№5 Author: Son Of A Gunderson (10 Feb 2014 19:28) Total user comments: 123

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Maybe a little paint?
№6 Author: Kojot77 (10 Feb 2014 22:31) Total user comments: 101

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now its a weapon ...
№7 Author: adzhoe (12 Feb 2014 01:57) Total user comments: 15111

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