Sex Box for Swiss Kids (7 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Feb, 2014  |
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Sex box is being used during the sex education of Swiss kindergartners. It even has fabric models of human genitalia.

1 Sex Box for Swiss Kids (7 pics)

2 Sex Box for Swiss Kids (7 pics)

3 Sex Box for Swiss Kids (7 pics)

4 Sex Box for Swiss Kids (7 pics)

5 Sex Box for Swiss Kids (7 pics)

6 Sex Box for Swiss Kids (7 pics)

7 Sex Box for Swiss Kids (7 pics)

№1 Author: candysack (7 Feb 2014 06:25) Total user comments: 1436

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well they gotta learn it eventually so you might as well teach them true things correctly the first time, rather than them hearing all kinds of bullshit at first like they did to us(to my generation at least)
№2 Author: CoyDog (7 Feb 2014 08:37) Total user comments: 135

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What on earth do they do with the wooden things?!
№3 Author: sabac (7 Feb 2014 10:54) Total user comments: 71

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its not for kindergarten, idiot!
№4 Author: maxpower (7 Feb 2014 13:28) Total user comments: 154

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CoyDog: the wooden things are used to practice how to put on a condom (seriously)
№5 Author: right (7 Feb 2014 14:58) Total user comments: 0

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sabac ... this educational stuff actually IS meant to be used in kindergarden.
A lot of people are opposed to this, of course church and religious groups are on the forefront.
But even "normal" people are against it, saying it's confronting children too soon with sexuality, sexual practices and homosexuality.
Not sure where I stand. I applaud the intention but I'm equally not sure if it's a good idea to confront 5 or 6 year olds with it.
№6 Author: Lu (7 Feb 2014 19:48) Total user comments: 15132

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№7 Author: evostars (7 Feb 2014 22:34) Total user comments: 167

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sex start at birth ends at death...
different levels off course...
№8 Author: maxpower (8 Feb 2014 01:36) Total user comments: 154

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It's not meant to be used in kindergarden. It says '5.-7. Schuljahr' on the box. So the addressees of this stuff are 12-14 year olds.

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