A Little Girl Desperately Wanted Snow in South Carolina (6 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Feb, 2014  |
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A 3-year-old girl from South Carolina desperately wanted snow after she fell in love with the movie ‘Frozen’. Her dad did this.

“Last weekend we had some cold weather so I decided to do some testing behind my shop with the 6 nozzle internal mix set-up that a few of the guys at the shop and myself put together.”

1 A Little Girl Desperately Wanted Snow in South Carolina (6 pics)

“Conditions were perfect at 17 degree’s and we made roughly 21″ of snow overnight. To make a long story short, wet bulb temperatures of 21-27 degree’s will make ‘wet snow’ and temps below 20 deg will make nice dry/powdery snow.”

2 A Little Girl Desperately Wanted Snow in South Carolina (6 pics)

“On Tuesday night Charleston got a lousy 60 minutes of light snowfall and an entire ice storm that left everything frozen over at 26 degree’s.”

3 A Little Girl Desperately Wanted Snow in South Carolina (6 pics)

“The entire neighborhood was completely confused as they drove by our house on Thursday morning.”

4 A Little Girl Desperately Wanted Snow in South Carolina (6 pics)

“The look on my children’s faces was priceless.”

5 A Little Girl Desperately Wanted Snow in South Carolina (6 pics)

“Needless to say, my children loved it! I know everyone from up north will think I’m an idiot for doing this.”

6 A Little Girl Desperately Wanted Snow in South Carolina (6 pics)


№1 Author: 1234 (5 Feb 2014 02:27) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: if london had that much snow...the city will come to stand still
№2 Author: szagi (5 Feb 2014 15:33) Total user comments: 426

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:11: nice man
№3 Author: Gi-Joe (5 Feb 2014 17:23) Total user comments: 960

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Great dad and lucky kids. :04:
№4 Author: Son Of A Gunderson (5 Feb 2014 18:26) Total user comments: 123

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Your kids are going to be spoiled brats.
№5 Author: Lu (5 Feb 2014 20:04) Total user comments: 15132

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Kids are a piece of your heart running around.
№6 Author: Louie (5 Feb 2014 20:38) Total user comments: 8189

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№7 Author: DeadlyNinja (6 Feb 2014 01:48) Total user comments: 96

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№8 Author: lepetitrat (9 Feb 2014 00:11) Total user comments: 66

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And the "father of the year" prize goes to...... :04:

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