How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 15441  |
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Doesn't look healthy but should be yummy.

1 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

2 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

3 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

4 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

5 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

6 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

7 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

8 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

9 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

10 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

11 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

12 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

13 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

14 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

15 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

16 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

17 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

18 How to Make a Perfect Sandwich (18 pics)

№1 Author: candysack (5 Feb 2014 01:52) Total user comments: 1436

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i would say it is repost but then i remembered that the original used a lot more books and stuff to weigh it down
№2 Author: MWarrior (5 Feb 2014 02:34) Total user comments: 1024

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I remember that one- some of the instructions were, "Now squish that fucker!", and "Now squish that fucker some more!". I'm pretty sure it came directly from Rachael Ray's book.
№3 Author: 1234 (5 Feb 2014 03:41) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: finally something i can make at home :04:
№4 Author: thughugger (5 Feb 2014 13:46) Total user comments: 1015

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May be a repost but still makes me hungry :04:
№5 Author: Tomaz86 (5 Feb 2014 14:45) Total user comments: 10834

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Gave up hungry here!
№6 Author: Louie (5 Feb 2014 21:00) Total user comments: 8189

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№7 Author: lexi (6 Feb 2014 01:59) Total user comments: 0

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this is known as a "shooters sandwich"

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