The Great Raft (5 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 7120  |
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1 The Great Raft (5 pics)

2 The Great Raft (5 pics)

3 The Great Raft (5 pics)

4 The Great Raft (5 pics)

5 The Great Raft (5 pics)

№1 Author: styopa (4 Feb 2014 17:06) Total user comments: 1538

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How is this interesting? I'm guessing pretty much every boy that grew up in the country did this.

Secluded "clove"? Really? It's too hard to spend 30 seconds reviewing the text you're posting?
№2 Author: nexus (4 Feb 2014 18:14) Total user comments: 0

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oh just shut up and enjoy, will you...

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